Full Name:*
Gender:* —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleOther
Date of Birth:*
Email Address:*
Contact Number (WhatsApp Preferred):*
Emergency Contact Person Name:*
Emergency Contact Person Relation:*
Emergency Contact Number:*
Social Media Link:*
How did you find out about us?*
National ID (upload):*
Please Attached your Photo (upload):*
How do you prefer to attend the conference? * —Please choose an option—ResidentialNon- Residential
How many times have you attended one of our "Road to EIMUN" conferences in the past? * —Please choose an option—OnceTwiceThriceNever
How would you classify your level of MUN experience? * —Please choose an option—First time delegateBeginnerIntermediateAdvanced
How many times have you attended a MUN conference? (Please include the name(s) of the committee(s) as well.) *
Why do you want to participate in the Lumbini United Nations Simulation 2023? What are your expectations from the conference? (max 350 words) *
Do you have any personal health problem? If yes, please specify. *